Things to Know About VPAT Certification
In order to ensure that websites and apps are accessible to people with disabilities, they must meet certain requirements as outlined in the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). If your business is looking to create or update a website or app, it’s important to understand what VPAT certification entails and how you can make sure your site is compliant.

Here are some things you should know about VPAT certification.
What is VPAT Certification?
VPAT Certification is becoming increasingly important in the business world. VPAT stands for Voluntary Product Accessibility Template and is basically a document that attests to a product’s compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
VPATs are useful for both buyers and sellers of products, as they provide a way to verify that a product meets certain accessibility standards. VPATs are also often required by government agencies when procuring goods and services. VPAT Certification is thus an important tool for ensuring that products are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.
VPAT Certification can be obtained from a number of different organizations, including the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). VPAT Certification is an important step in making sure that products are accessible to everyone.
Does Your Business Need VPAT Compliance?
VPAT compliance is a voluntary certification process that demonstrates a product’s conformance with the accessibility requirements of the VPAT standard. VPATs are currently being developed for WCAG 2.0, ISO/IEC 27001, and other international accessibility standards.
VPAT compliance is not mandatory, but it is becoming increasingly important as the global market for accessible products and services continues to grow. VPAT compliance can be a valuable differentiator for your business, and it can help you to win government contracts and tenders.
How Can VPAT Certification Help?
VPAT Certification can help in a variety of ways. VPAT Certification is an internationally recognized standard that demonstrates a product’s compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). VPAT certification provides third-party assurances to customers that a product meets their accessibility needs.
VPATs are important for two primary reasons: they provide an independent assessment of a product’s accessibility and they offer buyers confidence that the product they are considering purchasing meets their accessibility requirements.
VPAT certification is also valuable for companies because it distinguishes their products in the marketplace as accessible and can lead to increased sales. VPAT certification can therefore help businesses by increasing their sales and providing them with an Internationally recognized standard that demonstrates their products compliance with the WCAG.
How to Get VPAT Certification
VPAT certification is not mandatory, but it can be useful for companies who want to show potential customers that they are committed to accessibility. VPAT certification is available through a number of third-party organizations, such as the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template Certification Program (VPAC) and the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). To become VPAT certified, companies must submit their product or service for review by a VPAT-certified assessor. The assessor will then review the company’s VPAT documentation and determine whether or not the company meets the VPAT standard. VPAT certification is valid for three years.
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